Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What do you know?

What are some things you know; not what you think you know or are pretty sure you know, but really know??


  1. Shay V.C.
    I only really know that which is subjective to me: I KNOW that I do not like black licorice, I KNOW that I love my family. Do I know WHY this is? That is an entirely different question indeed!

  2. Diana C.
    I for sure know that this class is going to make me question life!
    These few days have been enough to make me question a lot of things. I can't imagine what the rest od the class is going to be like. I don't know I'm just so confused right now!

  3. Todd M.

    One thing I've come to realize is that when it comes right down to it, there's nothing that any of us can claim to really know.

  4. Amanda C.
    What I really know is that this class is going to be complicated and wierd. Another thing I really now is that some things in life aren't always as they seem and you must look through it in a diffrent perspective.

  5. Ashley Funk.

    I know that pancakes taste good.

    and i know that i am me.

    I know that i know things if i believe that i know them.

  6. Toni K.

    I know that movies cost ten dollars in westminster.

  7. Jaslynn J
    To say the truth im not completely sure about what i know and how i know it. I do know who i am and what i stand for and everything else along those lines. I believe that what we know is based on opinions. From experiences you have knowledge and facts. What we know may not always be true, or is it?

  8. Lucy F.
    Knowledge is only a theory because no one really knows the truth.

  9. To answer this question accurately and completly honestly, I believe is not possible. I think that the things that we think we know are just guesses and possible explainations formed by the opinions by others. I think that the things we know are always part of a bias opinion that we identify as our own. Even when we think an idea or concept is our own we share it and it can sometimes be changed, influenced, improved,but then still there is no way to actually tell if something is right. I dont't think that there is a way because our definitions of right are answers that match what we say is right and the ways that we have INVENTED to explain things.
