Monday, February 8, 2010

Who does art benefit?

One of the students made the comment: "Art is anything that benefits no one but the artist."

Is this true? Does art benefit anyone but the artist? If so, who?

Give us your answer (comment) below!


  1. If it is true then tell me, how the monalisa has only benifited Leonardo Da Vinci? Millions flock to see this work of ART every year. So ask the student to explain that. Also ask about the Sistine Chapel.

  2. I am not an artist. Yet I benefit from the creations of others. Art adds quality to my life and brings me pleasure and joy. I can lose myself in a painting or a scuplture or a poem and I find myself smiling when I "come back to reality." Art nourishes my soul, my inner being. I benefit from art and I am not an artist.

  3. Some comments from Facebook:

    Faith D: Although sometimes I felt that way about some of the songs our choir directors chose for us to sing (more fun to sing than to listen to,) I disagree!!!!!

    Kelly C: gotta disagree ... I feel it is mutually beneficial; there are some pieces of art that I do just for myself... but, there are other pieces that I hope to display or post in places to share with the world... art is a shared experience, imho.

    Heather H: I disagree with the student. If you experience art and are moved to feel or think about it, you have been changed by it, which is a benefit, without being the artist.

    Aaron S: No sorry the artist would be a broke... excuse for a human with out art and art would be a pile of paint and clay without the artist.

    From annamunoz (via Twitter): So not true! I feel that I am a richer, smarter, happier person for having viewed other people's art.

  4. Joe H.: Well, ideally, a work of art benefits anyone, although a particular piece may not benefit everyone, and not necessarily in the way the artist desires. For example, last summer I saw a Francis Bacon retrospective at the Met in NY City. His paintings are very dark and focus on death and the physicality of life, and they reminded me that my life here is very short, will soon be over, so I should make every second count. For another friend of mine, Bacon’s paintings just disturbed him, and another friend felt nothing: he thought the painting were sophomoric and boring – and we were all right. I’m thinking also of a story I read about the painter Chuck Close, how he saw a Warhol exhibit in the 60’s, a stack of emotionless “Brillo Pad” boxes stacked to the gallery’s ceiling, and it really made him mad because he thought “this isn’t art, this is garbage.” Then, on the walk home, he got very excited because he realized that the art had moved him, it had made him angry, and it was rare that art had had that much of an effect on him before. So he changed his whole style, and world view, after that. Warhol's art literary had a life changing effect on him, even though it took awhile to sink in, and even though this might not have been Warhol's intent. However, if a work of art only benefits the artists, that’s fine too, but I think it definitely creates the opportunity to benefit others.

    Rick R.: I like art that shows nature, this would include winter scences. Such as the Rockies, no heat at ACHS, etc.

  5. Its difficult to give a definition of art or determine who art benefits because the word art is an umbrella term used to describe a very broad range of subjects including music, painting, drawing, architecture, theater, industrial design, ceramics, sculpture, cinematography, etc...

    Some artists use art as a form of relaxation the same way a person might do yoga or martial arts. In this sense the art may only benefit the artist. Bob Ross said many times on his television show that he created artwork for this reason and he was also able to create a lucrative career with it. Viewers of Bob's artwork may also feel at peace when they look at his art.

    Artist throughout history have benefited from art financially. In the case of cinematography a single idea can make a lot of people rich. An example of this would be the film Paranormal Activity or the Blair Witch Project.

    Some artist have utilized art to communicate their message across language barriers. This is a very powerful way to use art and is a fundamental reason why art is a necessity in this world and is one of the reasons why we teach it in school.

    In many ways art can express feelings and emotions that cannot be put into words. This can be beneficial for the artist and the viewer
